Training by professionals to professional standards

VT SummerStock is a high-energy musical theatre “boot camp.” It is geared to high school and college students planning to move into the professional world of theatre. Students are trained by professionals to professional standards. Company members are immersed in all areas of theatre, working to develop and strengthen their performance and technical skills. As part of the experience, they participate in technical and other educational workshops.

Venice Theatre has a responsibility to expose students to the kind of material they will face on the professional stage. In SummerStock we fulfill our mandate as educators to help our students transition from high school to college and beyond. At the end of their training, the students entertain the community with a classic musical.

Acceptance to this tuition-based program is by audition. Scholarships may be available to qualified applicants.

For more information, contact Sandy Davisson at 941.488.1115, x.224 or