Community Engagement
Art has the power to illuminate new perspectives, foster diplomacy between differing opinions and bring fractured communities together.”
~ Seema Sueko, Theatre Arts Leader, Stage Director, Consensus Organizer
The Venice Theatre Education & Community Engagement Department is an artistic crossroads for gathering socially, learning life-changing skills, and participating in the art of storytelling. The programs we share with our community go beyond sitting in a darkened theatre at a ticketed event or taking a class. As we seek to deepen the connections between what we do on campus and throughout our community, we have made a small yet important change. We are now using the term “Community Engagement” instead of the word “Outreach.” This change more accurately reflects our commitment to better respond to what our diverse community wants.
Moving in this new direction will take some time. We seek your partnership in creating productive, transformational relationships that enlarge human understanding, raise consciousness, and provide personal growth experiences for us all.
We look forward to exploring new ways to apply our skills and knowledge to activities of mutual interest to you, our diverse neighbors. We will endeavor to earn your trust, meet your needs, support your missions, celebrate your unique perspectives, and amplify your voices… at your home or ours.
For more information about any of these programs, please contact Sandy. Davisson, Director of Education & Community Engagement, at 941.488.1115 x224 or
Venice Theatre’s Current Community Engagement Programs