Agnes, a convent novice accused of murdering her newborn, is investigated by a court-appointed psychiatrist. The Mother Superior is determined to keep young Agnes from the doctor. This absorbing mystery explores the meaning of faith, the power of love, and leads to a compelling climax.
Agnes: Shannon Maloney
Dr. Martha Livingstone: Vera Samuels
Mother Miriam Ruth: Lynne Doyle
Understudy Agnes: Ali Wasmund
Understudy Dr. Martha Livingstone: Eve Caballero
Understudy Mother Miriam Ruth: Pam Hayes
Getting Here
Pinkerton Theatre
At Venice Theatre
140 Tampa Ave. W.
Venice, FL 34285
Located inside our main building on the west side. Seating is general admission, however season subscribers with “Golden Tickets” have reserved seats as a subscriber benefit.