About YPC

Venice Theatre is fortunate to operate in a community with teens who are talented, intelligent, and fun to be around. We are always looking for new ways to challenge them. Recently, a group of young actors, with the support of the Education & Community Engagement Department, proposed a new program that allows them to spread their wings and rise to a new level of leadership in the organization. 

The Youth Production Company (YPC):
  • creates opportunities for high school age students to develop exceptional & unique portfolio material for college applications.
  • creates additional performance and technical opportunities for area youth.
  • creates an environment for students to create art on their own terms, where they are responsible for all aspects of the project.
  • develops 21st century workplace skills (collaboration, communication, problem solving, and creativity)
2024-2025 company members
  • Van Dinverno, Evie Hunter, Emmett Kanapaux, Delaney Lockwood, Olivia South, Fiona Villalba
  • Their spring 2025 show is The Grown-Ups to be presented May 21-25.

For more information contact Kelly Duyn at 941-486-8679 or KellyDuyn@VeniceTheatre.net.

Last season’s show was “Ride the Cyclone: The Musical.”